Does Rolling a Ball Under Your Foot Help Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitis is often called heel pain. The condition is an inflammation of the plantar fascia. The connective tissue stretches from the toes to the arch of the foot. The shooting pain comes and goes, and it tends to worsen when you take your first step in the morning. The condition can be excruciating, but fortunately, there are effective treatments that can provide relief.

What Causes Plantar Fasciitis

The following are some possible causes of the condition:

·      Having flat feet.

·      Rolling the feet when walking.

·      Walking or standing on hard surfaces for long periods.

·      Jogging or running.

·      Performing activities that cause high foot stress.

Being older or overweight can heighten the risk of developing plantar fasciitis.

Symptoms of Plantar Fasciitis

The most common symptom of the condition is stabbing pain. Sometimes, the pain in the heel or arch of the foot can travel along the side of the foot. The pain usually worsens when you wake up in the morning.

Increasing pain when you stand up from a seated position can also be a sign of plantar fasciitis. Another symptom is pain after being active or after exercising. The symptoms can be severe, affecting your ability to remain active and enjoy life.

Treatment for Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis rarely needs surgery, and in most cases, the condition improves in three to 12 months. Your podiatrist can provide relief from pain resulting from plantar fasciitis. Treatment options include:

·      Custom footwear and orthotics that help to correct gait.

·      Anti-inflammatory medications that help to reduce pain and swelling.

·      Cortisone heel injections to reduce inflammation.

·      Physical therapy to improve flexibility and mobility.

If symptoms worsen or the pain fails to improve within a week, you should visit a podiatrist for evaluation. The specialist can find out the root cause of the heel pain.

Ball Rolling and Other Home Remedies

Rolling a ball, foam roller, or water bottle under your foot can help to relieve plantar fasciitis pain. Using a bottle of frozen water can help to stretch the foot while providing ice therapy. Resting your injured feet can also help to relieve the pain.

Modify your exercises to avoid extra pressure on the heel. Icing your heels and arches can help to relieve pain and promote healing. The ice aids in blood vessel constriction, reducing swelling and pain from inflammation. Heat and cold therapy can help. Ensure you give your heels extra support day and night.

Stretches and Exercises

Some stretches and exercises can relieve foot pain. For best results, you should exercise multiple times a day. Apart from ball rolling, other exercises include towel stretches, wall stretches, toe stretches, and stair stretches.

Massage your feet regularly to prevent or reduce heel pain. For long-term relief, switch to low-impact fitness routines and sports. Taping your foot using kinesiology or athletic tape can help to support and stabilize the plantar fascia ligament. Using the correct taping technique can provide short-term pain relief.

For more on whether rolling a ball under your foot can help plantar fasciitis, visit Dakota Clinic of Chiropractic at our office in West Fargo, North Dakota. Call (701) 566-5455 to book an appointment today.